[ pH7 ]: What is your name and profession?
Mari Nagase, a hand model
[ pH7 ]: Where do you live?
New York
[ pH7 ]: What is your routine in skin care and hand care?
The most important routine in my skin care is not to lose natural oils on my skin.
My hobby is cooking, but when I wash dishes, I always wear rubber gloves and
never touch the dishwashing liquid with my bare hands. When I wash my hands
and body, I prefer to choose bar soaps that are gentle on my skin.
Every time I wash my hands, I always apply hand cream and moisturize the area
around my nails with cuticle oils before going to bed. I don't use high-end skin
care products, but instead, I use natural products. I have been thoroughly
moisturizing and preventing UV rays on my skin since I was ten years old. It is
motivating to imagine that my skin in five or ten years later will be the effort I am
making today.
[ pH7 ]: What pH7 products have you tried and how was your experience with it?
I used Rejuvenating hand elixir, Nourishing cuticle oil, and Gentle body scrub. I
like the scent of hand elixir. I found it soaked into skin deeply and moisturized
when I applied it.
Cuticle oil is also very smooth and has a good texture. The pH7 oil has a small
bottle and is convenient to carry around, so I always keep it in the pocket of my
Finally, I love [ pH7 ] scrubs. I have sensitive skin. So when I use a strong scrub,
my skin turns red immediately. But the [ pH7 ] scrub is very gentle and I don’t feel
any sore. Scrubbing dry elbows and knees makes them look like baby's skin.
Mari's recommendation - Gentle Body Scrub
[ pH7 ]: How do you add in wellness to your self-care routine, like mediation or baths?
I try to soak in the bath every day. Besides,I put a quarter cup of baking soda in
hot water and take a bath once or twice a week.
The baking soda neutralizes acidic substances and washes away oil stains and
waste products. Your skin will become smooth.
[ pH7 ]: What’s your morning and night routines?
I drink a glass of water at room temperature when I wake up. Then, I eat yogurt
mixed with chia seeds and topped with organic fruits. My boyfriend brews a
delicious latte with his roasted coffee beans every morning, and it is an
important morning routine to have a chat with him over a drink.
After sunset, I only use indirect lighting in the room to rest my mind. I then soak
in the bathtub for about an hour, during which I drink another glass of water at
room temperature. After taking a bath, I use a facial mask and carefully apply
body cream to the whole body.
After my body warms up, I do a little exercise before going to bed.
[ pH7 ]: What is your go to favorite nail polish?
I like ZOYA's nail polish because it's gentle on the nails and has good coloring.
[ pH7 ]: What’s an interesting insight in what you do with your hands that you want to share with our audience?
I have become a hand model at the age of 19 and have appeared in more than
150 TV commercials in Japan. Then, I came to NY with an artist visa, which is
very difficult to obtain. I was the first Japanese hand model to get the artist visa.
I am currently working with well-known high-end brands such as Tiffany and
Can you imagine the story of someone born and raised in the countryside of
Japan, now working in the Manhattan fashion industry? My hands always make
my dreams come true and take me to higher stages. I am very much looking
forward to what kind of story will be in my hands.